Andrew Hartshorn

BJJ | Striking Coach | Yoga

  • Black Belt – Taekwondo

  • Brown Belt – BJJ
  • Peaceful Warrior

Full Bio

Andrew’s journey with martial arts started 35 years ago with Taekwondo. He was immediately drawn to the mixture of discipline, structure and creativity that the Arts required. The combination of competing in tournaments and taking belt ‘gradings’ has taught him how to handle his fears which has carried over into his broader life.

After working for Pepsico for 11 years in marketing, Andrew was presented with the opportunity to move to Chicago. With the career move, came the unexpected opportunity for growth in his martial arts career as well. Andrew started training with TDC and his eyes were opened to a completely different form and approach to martial arts. He fell in love with Jiu-Jitsu and the style that Dino taught. Andrew loves the movement and efficiency of the technique. He has trained with Dino for over 10 years and has learned how to use both martial arts disciplines together. 

12 years after working as the Chief Marketing Officer for Gatorade, Andrew made a career move and now currently works for Danon based out of Boulder, Colorado.

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